Data Protection Policy of Cranleigh Camera Club


Cranleigh Camera Club is a data controller within the UK and exists for the benefit of members and those interested in photography.
Cranleigh Camera Club collects and holds personal data about:

The personal information referred to in this Policy comprises:

Cranleigh Camera Club reserves the right to publish the name of entrants and the titles of any pictures or images submitted to internal and external competitions and exhibitions.

Any person wishing to verify their personal data as held by Cranleigh Camera Club may apply to the Secretary. No charge will be made for this and any inaccuracies found will be corrected by the Club. Personal Data of members who do not rejoin at the start of the club year in September will be deleted not later than the end of the following November.

Members are asked to agree to receive by e-mail updates and information on club activities as issued by the club from time to time.

Cranleigh Camera Club cannot guarantee or accept responsibility for data that is "in transit" over the internet. However, once received, any data will be held securely, where Cranleigh Camera Club has a legitimate interest. Member details will be held by Cranleigh Camera Club in accordance with its Data Protection Policy, which is available on its website or on request from the Secretary.

The committee have reviewed the club's Data Protection Policy and are satisfied that it stands without amendments - 6 July 2020.


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